Experienced Child and Educational Psychologist providing Tribunal and Court reports in SEND, Family and Civil cases

Relevant experience

I am a Child and Educational Psychologist registered with The Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC). I hold Chartered Practitioner Psychologist status with the British Psychological Society (BPS) with specialisms in the areas of expert witness and psychotherapy. I have over 12 years of experience working in Local Authorities and the Independent sector, delivering psychological services to children, families and educational settings.

I completed professional doctoral training focused on Child, Community and Educational Psychology from the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation. I am skilled in child development and learning, assessment skills, psychotherapeutic interventions, consultation, training and reflective supervision. I have experience in writing psychological reports covering a range of children’s needs and difficulties for Local Authority statutory purposes, Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals, Family Court and Civil Court proceedings. I have completed expert witness training with the BPS and Bond Solon.

I completed further training at Masters level in psychological therapies and work privately offering psychodynamic psychotherapy for children, young people and families in Norwich, Norfolk. I am a member of the British Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods and deliver training and supervision in projective assessment techniques to other psychologists and psychotherapists.

Areas of expertise:

Assessment of Children and Young People (0-25)

  • Identifying a range of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and difficulties and how these impact on learning, inclusion and development.

  • Identifying environmental factors that impact on development, access to learning and social inclusion.

  • Providing advice to support educational placement and intervention planning.

  • Assessing the psychological aspects of physical injury and disfigurements.

  • Holistic assessment of child development (e.g. of physical, sensory, communication, cognitive and social-emotional function) and identification of developmental delay.

  • Academic attainment: assessing levels of literacy and numeracy, and identification of specific learning difficulties (i.e. dyslexia).

  • Cognitive functioning: identification of strengths and weaknesses, generalised learning difficulties or exploring learning potential and response to support.

  • Neurodevelopmental differences: brain injuries, autism and ADHD.

  • Trauma, adversity and resilience.

  • Relationship and attachment needs.

  • Social, emotional and mental health:

    • Perception of self, others and environment

    • Internalising difficulties, such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, withdrawal, and school avoidance

    • Externalizing difficulties, such as anger, conflict, and behaviour that challenges.

    • Issues associated with difference and discrimination, e.g. gender and sexuality.

    • Trauma, adversity and resilience.

    • Relationship and attachment needs.

Short-term and long-term psychotherapy for children, young people and families.

Contact me.